We recently completed the supply a serie of medium-sized fully-assembled Kaplan Turbines for one of our clients. A project management approach Discover more

The acquisition of Rössl & Duso is complete
The acquisition of 100% of the shares of Rössl & Duso srl has been completed: its share capital is now fully owned by GRUPPO CIVIDALE.
Completing a path sta...

AFC Arc Furnace now powered by Q-ONE
Danieli Automation has completed the upgrade of the 35-t AC EAF at AFC-Acciaierie Fonderie Cividale, Italy.
The AC electric arc furnace is now powered by Q-ONE, a Danieli-patented system based on Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) power electronic technology.

Sadi-Carnot bridge in Sète
After almost a year of work, the Sadi-Carnot bridge in Sète has been successfully opened to traffic.
To remedy the obsolescence of the old bridge and to ensure the safety and fluidity of the movement, the Occitan Region / Pyrenees of the Mediterranean has replaced the old bridge Sadi Ca...

Cividale Group acquires 25% of Rössl & Duso
Rossl & Duso was assisted by the lawyer Federica Bugaro, partner of the law firm of the same name, while for the tax part and due diligence by the Padua-based SC&A studio with a...

New Technologies - POR FESR 2014/2020 funding
Cividale Group is carrying out, at the AFC plant, a project for the introduction of a new EAF furnace management system.
The project is co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund of the Regional Operational Program ...